Monday, June 17, 2013

2012-2013 (so far)

Life has finally slowed down...a, with the coming of summer. We finally have a chance to take a little breather, so I have about a year's worth of pictures to put on here for everyone:
For Mom and Dad's anniversary last year, we surprised them with pictures. A professional photographer in the church took them for us, and she did a very nice job. Here are a few so you can see how much older everyone  is getting!:

Here is one from Christmas time (Mom is not really a fan of this one...)-
In the church newsletter that comes out, they always have an article on a college student. This last time around, Dad was chosen. He thought it would be a good time to get some family pics done (which we have not done since Jake was a baby), since they asked for one to put in the article. Another of the ladies in the church took these, and also did a very nice job:

Ok... now I would like to introduce you to someone special. His name is Caleb Smith, and you will be seeing more of him :). Caleb is going into his senior year (as are Dad and I). His parents are missionaries in Estonia, but he is originally from California. We have known him since we got here, but it wasn't until this past year we really spent much time together (and we got to  be friends over the course of working on a SUPER hard English project together :P).
Last month, we went to Chicago. He took this one while we were on the Ferris wheel at  Navy Pier.

Here he put his foot out and had me caught in the revolving door at the Hershey's store...(and thought it was hilarious! Silly guy!). 

This was at a college activity in Michigan, where they took us to go tubing.